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Technical importer


The service consists of an international purchasing, delivery and customs registration of any cargo from anywhere in the world to the “customer's door”, this procedure does not require your participation, as well as the execution of all required documents.

The main advantage is that by using the services of outsourcing, your company will not take a part in foreign trade activities, avoiding difficulties with custom authorities, foreign currency controls, and tax authorities. You get cleared in custom’s reference goods with VAT in local currency.




1. There is no necessity for opening transaction certificate, purchasing currency, award (conclusion) foreign economic contract.
2. Decline the risks, related with custom registration of the goods, with correcting custom value.
3. Reduce the expenses, because of cheap rate on brokerage services and CD services.
4. Cutting time for drawing up of documents.
5. There is no necessity to maintain the logistics and custom registration department.
6. Reducing transportation costs thanks to process optimization of the carriage.
7. Thanks to insurance, there are no financial risks, related with damages or losses of the goods during the international carriage.


The subject of this contract, concluded between the Agent (“Center Global Logistics”) and  the Customer, is execution by the Agent and in his own name, but at Customer’s account and reward, real and legal arrangements, related with getting goods for the Customer and delivering these goods directly to the Customer or to the person, specified by the Customer.

As Agent, the company “Center Global Logistics” will be a declarant, and insurance broker, and forwarder and financial intermediary, and adviser in the field of collaboration with the foreign partners.

Herewith, under the foreign economic contract, you will be the full owner of the foods, imported according to tax, custom and civil legislations.


What we offer under the Agency contract:


1. Cost calculation of the contract and amount of payment by Customer’s request.
2. Award of the foreign economic contract with the external suppliers.
3. Currency transfer in payment for external suppliers’ goods.
4. Transportation and insurance of goods in transit.
5. Getting approval documents on import.
6. Take action for getting approval documents, in case nontariff regulations of foreign economic activity.
7. Custom registration of goods and Customer’s vehicles, execution of all necessary custom payments.
8. Drawing up of related documents.
9. Deliver goods to destination stations, rendering related logistics services (storing the goods in warehouses etc.).